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Gene - at top of St Augustine Lighthouse open viewing deck 14 stories up
Gene Seecann

Builder of  GoUSVacation Web Sites - at top of St Augustine Lighthouse
after climbing up 14 stories of steps.
View was great! Lighthouse Photo below Sites  --  aka: Sites 
Gene Seecann's  Web Sites, Photos, & mini-Blogs  forwards to this page  Site Topics - Affordable Eastern Florida Beaches
- Coastal Oregon - Virginia Beach - New England Mountains
- Pennsylvania Pocono Mountains
Nebraska Sandhills + Nearby Attractions  &  "Must See's"
+ Timeshare Vacation Exchanging & Rentals
+ Build a Business Web Site Cheap

Affordable US Vacation "Must See's," Photos, & Tips Check Mark - Virginia discount travels Virginia beach vacations Tip

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About our "Moving" of our High Resolution US Travel & Vacations Scenic Photo Downloads Page Photos -- downloadable High Resolution, non-Watermarked Scenic Stock Photo favorites from Our 4 US Vacation Guide Sites -- Check back - More Photos are being added often!

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  Our "Picture Enhanced" US Beach Vacation Site - (now 120+ web pages
+ top 1/2 % Site Traffic Ranking by Alexa)
    Home page - Affordable US Vacation Beaches Online Guide
Gene's "Original" Site - Affordable US

Eastern Florida - Coastal Oregon - SE Virginia & Virginia Beach - US Beaches Vacation
Guide & Tips
Beach Vacation Travel Tip + some  Lighthouses  and  Beach Videos 
Virginia Weekend Getaways -- Discount Travel Tips for Seniors & Age 50+
Timeshare Vacation Rentals, Resales, & Exchanging Tips Beach Vacation Travel Tip 
Fall Blue Ridge Parkway Vacations - "Add on" Road Trips to a Virginia Beach Vacation


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shown on this Sample Beach Vacations mini-Blog page.)
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"Tips to help you Plan & Save + Pictures to help you Dream" ©

 The Site above is now in the Top 1/2 % Alexa Traffic Ranking!
out of now over 100,000,000 Web Sites Worldwide  (We are proud of that statistic!)

Lower # is better - our US Beach Vacation Site is now in the top 1/2 % Traffic Rank

During the peak US Vacation planning months, the  Site above has been getting about 100,000 page views a month
from over 50,000 Visitors
-- and the trend is increasing thanks to our Viewers!

Combined with the Fall Vacation Site Below, page views often exceed 120,000 per month. Thanks for your support!

The Fall Vacation Site below is now in the top 2 % Traffic Ranking

     Our US Fall Vacation Guide Site + Pictures
  - (Now over 40 pages
+ top 2 % Site Traffic Ranking by Alexa)

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 Affordable US

New England White Mountains + Pennsylvania Pocono Mountains
- Vacation Guide & Tips
Beach Vacation Travel Tip
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Affordable Pennsylvania Weekend Getaways + PA Romantic Getaways & Poconos Getaways

Affordable Fall Vacations "mini" -Blog /
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Our relatively new "Picture Enhanced" US Vacation Site - (Now 15+ web pages)                

Nebraska Travels .com Site Top Logo
 Recently Started! - - The Western Nebraska
Sandhills and more!

An "Insider" Nebraska Vacation Guide with "Reviews" and Attraction Tips Beach Vacation Travel Tip
+ Many Pictures including Nebraska Rural Sunsets & Sunrises
+ Several Videos Including Deer and Wild Turkeys in my back yard + Migrating Sandhill Cranes!

Popular pages: The Western Nebraska "non-Interstate" Road Trip -
Sandhills + Panhandle Photos
Sandhill Cranes Migration Viewing Tips, Photos, & Videos - especially popular during Crane Migration Periods
Nebraska Sunset & Sunrise Photos Gallery - Colorful Rural Sunsets and Sunrises
Toadstool Geologic Park & Hiking Trail near Chadron -- Unusual & Interesting Nebraska "Badlands" area

Scottsbluff Area Attractions and Maps -- "Should See" and "Must See" Lists for the Western Nebraska Panhandle

All three of the Sites above are now in the Top 1 or 2 % Alexa Traffic Ranking
out of over 100 Million Web Sites Worldwide

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 To new Colorado Scenic Mountain Drives Site

Newer link Our newest Vacation Web Site
New Photos page: Colorado River Photos Road Trip - peaceful drive along the Colorado River

 Site will have many Scenic Colorado Road Trip Photos + Comments, Maps, & Day Trip Driving Tips to come

Downloadable Large High Resolution Popular Photos!

Click this link or the image below to View a special selection of Preview High Resolution Thumbnail Images of our 4 Vacation Site's Most Popular Photos (opens new window)
To High Resolution Photo Previews page - (opens new window)  now forwards to this High Resolution Stock Photo Downloads Photo Album. (St Augustine Lighthouse that climbed is in top 4 rows of previews on Page 1 of the Album Photos.)

You can View Online Large Image size Downloadable Photos suitable for Printing and Framing -- or Commercially Usable 1 to over 5 Meg .jpg file versions of over 95 of the selected favorite Photos on all 4 of of our "Picture Enhanced" US Vacation Sites. More are being added.  Free "Comp" downloads are available - great for wallpaper or screensavers.

If you are a Photographer and would like to sell your Images online at a VERY popular Stock Image Site, see more Info on setting that up at this link - Sell your Photos Online

You set your own image prices and can set up your own custom Photo "Watermarks" or Logos which show on all pre-purchase photos shown on the Site. I have used them for over four years and have been very happy with their service -- and have sold quite a few high resolution photo downloads using this easy to use online Photo Sale Site!

There are now 17 very popular "Free Download Picture / Screensaver / Wallpaper" Photo pages on our 4 US Vacation Guide Sites. (Most months we get over 20,000 "views" just from "Image" searches to Pictures on our Web Sites from the Search Engines like,,, & - in addition to the 80,000 - 100,000 "content" search page views resulting from keyword text searches.) 
To St Augustine Beaches and Attractions Page Including Lighthouse Photo 

To a sample Photos page: St Augustine Florida Beaches & Attractions Pictures

It Includes the St Augustine Lighthouse - a favorite of Gene's if you hadn't guessed! Also a very popular Photo download!

Newer link Lighthouses + Beach Sunsets & Sunrises Album - Some of the same High Resolution Photos as above available as Prints Vs Downloads.

Colorful Oregon Sunset with red clouds Sunset over Ocean with tall Cross - St Augustine, Florida Sunrise over Harbor with Sailboats - St Augustine, Florida
 Colorful  Beach    
Ocean Beaches Sunrise & Sunset

Nebraska Sunsets now at above Site 

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Newer link  
Beach Vacation Travel Tip

Our brand Newer link Site - JUST getting started! Obviously not about US Vacations,
but in response to many questions on:
"How do you? - Choose a Business Site Topic / Build / Set up / Edit / Host
/ Make Revenue from" etc. Topics posted now or to be posted are:

  • Free downloadable Business Web Site Building E-books and Articles 
  • Picking your New Business Website Topic or "Niche" 
  • Free and cheap building web site software reviews 
  • Business Web Site Hosting Options and Tips 
  • Keyword Tools, Links, Reviews, and Tips 
  • Graphics & Images + Cheap Image Sources + Free Image Editors 
  • Monitization ($$$) and Building Traffic Tips 
  • Check back for more "building" topics to come - send Gene a topic you would like to learn more about on the Comments & Suggestions Form on the BBWSC Site!

    Some Completed Pages on this new Business Website Building Site:

    Select a Domain Name for Your Business Web Site page - The step by step process is explained. Tips on the very important process of selecting a good "nitche" topic to build the content for your business website.

    "Reviews" of Top Pick Easy Website Design Software - Easy to learn and use downloadable Free & Cheap Website Building and Web Page Editing Software

    Newer link Cheap Web Site Hosting - "Reviews," Info, and Links on our three top picks for Quality Dependable and Affordable Web Site Hosting Companies

    Newer link Protecting Your Online Information - Simple How To Tips + Info Links for Protecting your Personal Information & Data Online
      + Tips on Marketing your Site -- NOT Spamming! -- Via Social Networking Sites

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Easy to remember  Page with links to all 4 of our "Picture Enhanced" US Vacation Web Sites + Descriptions.

To Memorable-Beach-Vacations Home pg  To Memorable Beach Vacations Home Page - Eastern Florida Vacation Beaches including Cocoa Beach and St Augustine beaches, SE Virginia Vacation Beaches, and Coastal Oregon Vacation Beaches - Plus Attraction information with Reviews, Tips, Pictures, & Discounts - US Beach Vacations Blog

To Gene"s Facebook Profile Page - Also shows Gene's recent items at StumbleUpon - will need a Facebook account to View.
-- Sign-up is fast & simple -- can use only last initial Vs full last name if you are worried about security -- but then will be harder for your friends to find you. Also highly recommend using a DOB that is "close," but not your exact for Identity Theft Protection purposes -- something that you can easily remember and use everywhere on web and is no more than 2 or 3 years younger than your actual age so you can more easily "connect" with others of a similar age to you.

To Gene's StumbleUpon Profile + Favorite "Thumbed up" Sites, Photos, and Videos "Blog."

Photobucket Icon   To Gene's Photobucket Photo & Video Albums

To top of page - Virginia Beach Picture Album - page 1  To top of this page - - Gene Seecann's Links page

Looking for Something Specific?  Search our 2 "Biggest" US Vacation Guide Sites.



Gene would appreciate your suggestions or comments for this or any of his US Vacation Web Sites on the Gene Seecann Sites Comment Form Page or Via the "Contact Us" form above.