
User Reviews and Comments - Where to Enter

For User "Raves, Rants, & Reviews"
- Vacation Resorts, Attractions, Restaurants, & Day Trip

User Reviews and Comments

+ A list of the pages where our Viewers can do their own Reviews  Site Viewer Reviews


Top Vacation Resort, Restaurant, or Attraction
User "Raves, Rants, & Reviews"

+ Examples of User Reviews below

We appreciate the Timeshare Vacation Resort Condo, Attraction, or Restaurant Reviews or Stories being original here, and not duplicated on any other Site.

New - Share your Experiences in a ReviewShare your own Oeanfront Vacation Condo Rental or Exchange "Review" on one of the Rental pages below. -- Or do a Favorite Attraction or Restaurant Review.

To Review Input Pages List below

+ See 2 Samples of the Vacation Resort Condo, Restaurant, and Attraction "Raves, Rants or "Reviews" that other Site Viewers have shared

Please only one Review / Story for each of entry pages: (Some "Rants" are OK)

Please only one story on each of the now 4 Oceanfront Resort Condo "Review" pages plus on each of the Attraction and Restaurant Review pages from an individual or a member of his or her family. After a year, "Update" Reviews will be fine. (Please no "User Reviews" from Resort Managers or Staff -- if we have a Resort "Rant" that is too critical, we may request a comment from that Resort Manager.)

Enter on each of the "Review Entry" Pages

You are encouraged to do a "Rave, Rant, or Review" on each of the Review pages listed below if you have those experiences to share.

Encourage Friends to Comment on your Review or Story

This should be fun! Encourage your Friends to make comments on your story and to share their own Raves, Rants, or Reviews with our Site Visitors.

Review Examples: (Others are on Review Pages.)

Two Samples of Vacation Resort Condo User Reviews that have already been shared by our "regular" Site Viewers. (Other Reviews + Links to comments are just under the Review Input Form on the "Where you can do ---" list below.)

One by Jerry in Oregon who sometimes sends comments & suggestions which we appreciate. To Jerry's Resort User Review Comments - "
Ocean Landings Oceanfront Condo at Cocoa Beach - Beautiful Beach Sunrises!" (Opens a new window so you can close it after viewing the Resort Review and be back at this page.)

Or this Virginia Beach Vacation Resort Review by Site Viewer Terri in Houston - Villas at the Boardwalk - Watch the Boardwalk Activity and the Ocean too! (Opens a new window)

Where you can do "Raves," "Rants," & Reviews!

These are the Pages on this Site where you can now do Oceanfront Vacation Condo Resort, Attraction, or Restaurant "Raves, Rants & Reviews from your Vacation Rental, Exchange, Ownership, or Attraction Visit & Restaurant experiences. - and where you can see Reviews & Comments already done.

- The easy to use Site User Review Input Form is toward the bottom of each of the pages listed below.

Share a "Review" on something you have had experience with

Possible User Review page additions coming:
(Send your Comments & Suggestions on Review Input Pages you would most like to see added and check back to see what's new here.)

  • St Augustine Florida Vacation Resort Reviews may be added soon - check back.

    Attraction and Day Trip "Raves, Rants, and Reviews" for the areas of:

    • (Now have Cocoa Beach Attraction Reviews)

    • St Augustine
    • Virginia Beach
    • Coastal Oregon may also be added - check back.

You can also do Attraction & "Must See's User Reviews on our "sister" US Fall Vacations Site: The "Raves, Rants, & Reviews" Fill-in Form pages List on that Site is at: US Fall Vacations Site Reviews. (Opens new window)

To Top of this page - User Reviews - Raves and Rants - Site Viewer Oceanfront Resort Condo + Vacation Attraction and Oceanfront Restaurant User Reviews, Raves, and Rants'

To Memorable-Beach-Vacations Home pg - from Family Vacation Beach site map pg  Home Page of Memorable-Beach-Vacations .com - Virginia, Oregon, and Florida vacation beaches + Family Vacation Beach Attraction and Vacation discount travels Tips. Timeshare Exchange and Rental Tips. US beach vacations online guide.

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